The Directorate-general for Schools (DGESCO) of the French Ministry of Education is the central authority which manages the school system from primary school to upper secondary school. It defines and implements the education policies in France (within the government priorities: primary school, early school leaving, teachers training, etc.)
Within the DGESCO, three different offices would be particularly concerned by the experiment:
The office of guidance and employability (“Bureau de (…)
Articles in this section
Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
Lycée technique d’Ettelbruck
The Lycée Technique Ettelbruck (1300 students/200 teachers, trainers) is one of the technical secondary schools directly under the hierarchy of the Ministry of Education. The Ministry together with the principals and their teams manage the secondary schools that offer pathways to youngsters from 12 to 16 (compulsory). Technical secondary education comprises furthermore the technical regime and vocational training including apprenticeship.
Team involved in the project
Jos NOESEN Beside a (…) -
Pedagoški inštitut
The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central institution in Slovenia for research in education undertaking basic research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas. ERI performs its activities in the context of the national research programme as an independent public institute. Its work is carried out by approximately 30 experts coming from different education fields and covering different research areas and (…)
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport has competences in these different three areas: Education, Culture and Sports. Regarding education, its competences are coordinated by the State Secretariat of Education, Training, Vocational training and University. This State Secretariat is composed by three General Directorates: Directorate General of Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation, Directorate General of Vocational Training and Directorate General of University Policy. The (…)
Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications
Céreq (French Centre for Research on Education, Training and Employment) is a public body under the aegis of the French Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Work, Vocational Training and Social dialogue. As a public Centre of expertise at the service of the key players in training and employment, Céreq has been involved for more than 40 years both in the production of statistics, research and the accompaniment of actions. It provides advice and proposals intending to clarify choices in (…)
Haute école pédagogique du Valais
HEP-VS is a cantonal institution of tertiary level, located in Brigue and in Saint-Maurice, which general mission consists in insuring harmoniously the initial and continue vocational training for candidates in the teaching for the preschool, primary and secondary schools of the 1st and the 2nd degree : Bachelor preschool and primary; Master’s degree for the education in the schools of the secondary sector 1st degree; diploma combined for the education in the schools of the 1st and 2nd (…)
Fogyatékos Személyek Esélyegyenlőségéért Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
The Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities Non-profit Ltd. (FSZK) was established by the Hungarian State with the aim of promoting equal rights, social integration and complex rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Its mission is to contribute to create a society where everyone with disability can participate equally as a full citizen.
FSZK is the legal successor of the Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities Public Foundation, which was reorganized as of December (…) -
Institut Français de l’Education (IFÉ) - ENSL
The ENS de Lyon is a pluridisciplinary higher education establishment under the supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. It is :
a reference for excellence
a new way of considering research and teaching
a leader in the field of research in France and abroad
a unique position at the centre of a network of research centres and firms In 2011, the ENS de Lyon integrated the former National Institute for Pedagogical Research (INRP) that was reorganised into (…)