Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
The Directorate-general for Schools (DGESCO) of the French Ministry of Education is the central authority which manages the school system from primary school to upper secondary school. It defines and implements the education policies in France (within the government priorities: primary school, early school leaving, teachers training, etc.)
Within the DGESCO, three different offices would be particularly concerned by the experiment:
The office of guidance and employability (“Bureau de l’orientation et de l’insertion professionnelle“) manages policies relating to the employment of young people, especially school dropout. This office:
a- moderates the interministerial network of ESL prevention
b- moderates the education network of ESL prevention (the ESL prevention teams in each French academy : the “Missions de lutte contre le décrochage scolaire” (MLDS, Missions to fight early school leaving) and the “services académiques de l’information et de l’orientation”)
c- manages ESL regional platforms which aims to identify and report young dropouts
d- manages the creation of the “Groupes de prévention du décrochage scolaire” (GPDS; these cross-sectoral groups are created to prevent early school leaving in secondary schools.)
The Department for Innovation and Experimentation Research and Development (“Département recherche-développement, innovation et expérimentation“), whose aim is to support and promote the initiatives of teaching staffs in schools, to develop links with research, to pool knowledge and build on it.
The office of Training teachers (“bureau de la formation des enseignants”) in charge of the professional development of teachers.
In the experiment, the DGESCO will:
implement different forms of professional development in three French academies : Aix-Marseille, Lyon and Créteil. In each region, relying on the IFÉ and the academy staff, we will provide support to cross-sectoral teams of ESL prevention (GPDS): life-long training, e-learning, on-site training.
organise steering committees, at a national level and at the level of each French academy, in order to regulate the experiment and its assessment.
organise the share of good practices and resources between the experimental groups
provide information on the experiment to its networks (national websites: and
Team involved in the project
In charge of the Décrochage centre.
Department RDI & Experimentation at the French Ministry of Education.
Catherine PERSIDAT
Chargée de mission au pôle lutte contre le décrochage scolaire
Paul-Marc REMY
Paul-Marc ensures the coordination and monitoring of the MLDS which is specifically responsible for developing the GPDS. He is also involved in the coordination of inter-network platform for monitoring and support for young dropouts (statistical dissemination campaigns; territorial monitoring platforms)
Department RDI & Experimentation at the French Ministry of Education.
Previously collborated to the TITA project :
Catherine is responsible for representing the Department in the competent bodies for guidance and stall at national and European level. She also provides a monitoring research on the ESL and participates in creating tools for pooling practices.
Deputy Head of Department RDI & Experimentation at the French Ministry of Education.
Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
La Direction générale de l’enseignement scolaire (DGESCO) du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale est l’administration centrale française responsable du système scolaire, depuis l’école primaire jusqu’au second cycle du secondaire. Elle élabore la politique éducative et pédagogique et assure la mise en oeuvre des programmes, selon les priorités données par le gouvernement (école primaire, décrochage scolaire, formation des enseignants…).
Équipe impliquée dans le projet
Responsable du pôle Décrochage
Département de la recherche et du développement, de l’innovation et de l’expérimentation (DRDIE)
Catherine PERSIDAT
Chargée de mission au pôle lutte contre le décrochage scolaire
Paul-Marc REMY
Paul-Marc ensures the coordination and monitoring of the MLDS which is specifically responsible for developing the GPDS. He is also involved in the coordination of inter-network platform for monitoring and support for young dropouts (statistical dissemination campaigns ; territorial monitoring platforms)
Chargé de mission
Ont collaboré au projet :
Bureau de l’orientation et de l’insertion professionnelle.
Directeur-adjoint du DRDIE au Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale.