Pedagoški inštitut
The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central institution in Slovenia for research in education undertaking basic research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas. ERI performs its activities in the context of the national research programme as an independent public institute. Its work is carried out by approximately 30 experts coming from different education fields and covering different research areas and methodological approaches of educational research. The last allows the ERI to successfully carry out multidisciplinary approach and ensure to tackle the research problems and topics from different perspectives and enable to provide the overall approach to lifelong learning. In relation to current research, the main activities of the ERI are additionally linking with related domestic and international institutions, training and post-graduate education of researchers, consultation and the dissemination of the results of research work, directing research into fields which are strategically important for Slovenia, organisation of seminars, professional meetings and international conferences, co-operation of the associates of the ERI in graduate and post-graduate education programs and carrying out Educational research programme (1999-2019). One of the most important activities of the ERI are additionally linking with other international institutions, meeting the status, staff and infrastructural conditions for inclusion in permanent networks of international educational research (European Educational Research Association, OECD, IEA, European Commission, Council of Europe, etc.). In the last twenty years ERI has successfully conducted international comparative assessment studies as PISA, SITES, ICILS, TIMSS, TIMSS Advanced, PIRLS, ICCS, ESLC.
In the TITA project ERI is responsible for preparing ESL scientific database.
Team involved in the project
Urška ŠTREMFEL, PhD in political science, leader of the preparation of TITA scientific database
Maša VIDMAR, PhD in psychology, principal researcher
Igor BIJUKLIČ, PhD in communication studies, researcher
Polona KELAVA, PhD in pedagogy, researcher
Ana KOZINA, PhD in psychology, researcher
Tina RUTAR LEBAN, PhD in psychology, researcher
Klaudija ŠTERMAN IVANČIČ, BA in andragogy, researcher
Mojca ŠTRAUS, PhD in educational science, researcher
Tina VRŠNIK PERŠE, PhD in pedagogy, researcher
Ana MLEKUŽ, BA in international relations, technical assistance
Suzana GERŽINA, MA in sociology, financial and administrative support
Pedagoški inštitut
L’Institut de Recherche en Éducation (ERI) est l’organisme central en Slovénie chargé de la recherche en Éducation. Il prend en charge la recherche fondamentale, le développement et les projets appliqués concernant des questions actuelles dans tous les secteurs de l’éducation et dans les domaines connexes. L’ERI agit dans le cadre du programme national de recherche en tant qu’institut public indépendant. Son travail est mené par une trentaine d’experts venant de différents domaines de l’éducation, couvrant différents domaines de recherche et différentes approches méthodologiques de la recherche en éducation.
Dans le projet TITA, l’ERI est en charge de la base scientifique de données sur le décrochage scolaire.
Équipe impliquée dans le projet
Urška ŠTREMFEL, Docteur en sciences politiques, responsable de la préparation de la base scientifique de données de TITA
Maša VIDMAR, Docteur en psychologie, chercheur principal
Igor BIJUKLIČ, Docteur en sciences de la communication, chercheur
Polona KELAVA, Docteur en pédagogie, chercheur
Ana KOZINA, Docteur en psychologie, chercheur
Tina RUTAR LEBAN, Docteur en psychologie, chercheur
Klaudija ŠTERMAN IVANČIČ, Licence d’andragogie, chercheur
Mojca ŠTRAUS, Docteur en sciences de d’education, chercheur
Tina VRŠNIK PERŠE, Docteur en pédagogie, chercheur
Ana MLEKUŽ, Licence de relations internationales, assistance technique
Suzana GERŽINA, Maîtrise en sociologie, assistance administrative et financière