Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications
Céreq (French Centre for Research on Education, Training and Employment) is a public body under the aegis of the French Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Work, Vocational Training and Social dialogue. As a public Centre of expertise at the service of the key players in training and employment, Céreq has been involved for more than 40 years both in the production of statistics, research and the accompaniment of actions. It provides advice and proposals intending to clarify choices in the area of training policy at regional, national and international level. Céreq’s regional network includes fifteen regional centers based in University research units and most often members of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). The associated centers and their host units carry out specific studies in the context of Céreq’s fields of investigation. They also participate in collective studies corresponding to the main lines of the Centre’s research and carry out missions for the different partners in the regions. Céreq in Marseille has 120-member staff, of whom some 60 are researchers. There are some further 30 researchers and PhD students in the associated regional centers. It carries out statistical surveys on individuals or companies, draws on varied administrative sources to expand its databases and carries out its own qualitative and quantitative studies.
A network of competencies
In Marseille and throughout its regional network of associated centers, Céreq brings together competencies from economists, sociologists, statisticians, demographers and specialists in political science and education. The 15 regional centers are based in university research units, most of which are affiliated to the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). The associated research centers and their host laboratories conduct specific studies in the framework of Céreq’s fields of investigation. They also participate in joint studies corresponding to the main lines of the Centre research while participating to Céreq’s missions towards the different partners in the Regions.
Céreq in Marseille is organized in three different departments, each looking from a different angle at the issues that the relationship between training and employment generates.
The Department Vocational Training and Qualifications (DFC) (which stands for Département Formation et Certification) is involved in analysing lifelong vocational training systems and their development, as well as the various modes whereby acquired skills are recognized in France and other European countries.
The Department on Transition to Work and Occupational Trajectories (DEEVA) (which stands for Département Entrées et Evolutions dans la Vie Active) is mainly responsible for analyzing the transition-to-work paths of beginners on the labour market, depending on the level at which they left the educational system. This Department has developed an appropriate statistical tool for monitoring transition-to-work paths and occupational trajectories, the «Generation» surveys, conducted on cohorts of young people 3, 5, and 7 years after they have joined the labour market. In addition, this Department regularly contributes to international comparisons on the transition ways from school to work in various countries.
The Department on Work, Employment and Professionalization (DTEP) (which stands for Département Travail, Emploi et Professionnalisation) is the Department responsible for analyzing how work is changing and how observed change is affecting the management of employment and the professionalization of workers.
(Team involved in the project:}}}
Dominique MAILLARD
Sociologist, researcher at Céreq’s Department Vocational Training and Qualifications (DFC), specialized on early school leaving, apprenticeship and vocational path. She’s in charge of the TITA project for the Céreq and designs, with Pascale Rouaud, the assessments protocol in the different countries. Besides, she is leading the qualitative part of the assessment.
Pascale ROUAUD
Statistician, researcher at Céreq’s Department on Transition to Work and Occupational Trajectories (DEEVA), specialized on transition-to-work paths of beginners on the labour market and on early school leaving. She is leading the quantitative part of the assessment.
Fanette MERLIN
Works at the Céreq’s Department Vocational Training and Qualifications (DFC) since the beginning of the TITA project. She’s participating to the data collection through the interviews achievement within the schools and the elaboration of the questionnaires.
Head of mission International Relations at Céreq. He has the task to develop the internationalisation of the Centre by the extension of research partnership and interinstitutional relations. His tasks also include the support design and management of Cereq’s European projects, including TITA.
Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications
Le Céreq (Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications) est un organe public sous l’égide du Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et du Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social. Centre d’expertise public, au service des principaux acteurs de la formation et de l’emploi depuis plus de 40 ans, le Céreq mène des études et des recherches sur les qualifications, évalue les formations, les dispositifs et les politiques publics mis en oeuvre, et formule des avis et des propositions en matière de politiques de formation à l’échelle régionale, nationale et internationale.
Équipe impliquée dans le projet
Dominique MAILLARD
Sociologue, chargée d’études au Département Formation et Certification (DFC), spécialisée dans les domaines du décrochage scolaire, de l’apprentissage et de la filière professionnelle. Elle est en charge du projet TITA pour le Céreq et conçoit, avec Pascale Rouaud, le protocole d’évaluation pour les différents pays. En outre, elle dirige la partie qualitative de l’évaluation.
Pascale ROUAUD
Statisticienne, chargée d’études au Département Entrées et Évolutions dans la Vie Active (DEEVA), spécialisée dans le domaine des voies de transition vers le travail pour les personnes nouvelles sur le marché de l’emploi, et dans le domaine du décrochage scolaire. Elle dirige la partie quantitative de l’évaluation.
Fanette MERLIN
Travaille au Département Formation et Certification (DFC) depuis le lancement du projet TITA. Elle participe à la récolte des données via les entretiens réalisés au sein des écoles et l’élaboration des questionnaires.
En charge de la Mission Relations internationales du Céreq. Il a pour tâche de développer l’internationalisation du Centre à travers l’extension des partenariats de recherche et des relations avec les autres institutions. Sa mission inclut aussi le soutien, la conception et la gestion des projets européens du Céreq, dont TITA.