Fogyatékos Személyek Esélyegyenlőségéért Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
The Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities Non-profit Ltd. (FSZK) was established by the Hungarian State with the aim of promoting equal rights, social integration and complex rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Its mission is to contribute to create a society where everyone with disability can participate equally as a full citizen.
FSZK is the legal successor of the Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities Public Foundation, which was reorganized as of December 21, 2011 by the Minister of Human Resources. FSZK has more than 10 years of experience in operating with about 90 employees. It runs a Professional Knowledge Centre, works on the systematic development of the support and institution system involved in complex rehabilitation. Further, it assists integration by initiating policy level changes, as well as research and development projects. FSZK also provides a wide variety of training programs and consultancy services.
The professional fields and R&D + I activities covered by FSZK include:
Pedagogical development of children and young people with special needs, including program development and school/institution improvement
Supporting public services, as well as promoting the accessibility of public buildings, playgrounds and parks
Supporting the communication and self-representation of people with disabilities
Fostering programs for employment and independent living of people with disabilities
Supporting and financing programs aimed at helping parents of children with disabilities
Providing training for professionals
In the implementation of our professional programs, in order to widen the social acceptance of disability affairs and by following the principal “nothing about us without us“, FSZK cooperates extensively with disability related advocacy, wide range of organizations and the professional community on national and international levels. Additionally, FSZK participates in a number of national and international projects as well.
The general development framework behind our mission is based on the UN Convention, the chapters of the EU2020 Strategy concerning equal opportunities for people with disabilities and the principals, tasks and objectives set out in the company’s Deed of Foundation. Hence, professional programs are implemented mainly in the fields of improving employability; promoting labor market entry, provide quality education and access for all. Moreover, programs are developed to further strengthen social inclusion and participation. Seven professional teams are responsible to ensure and assist the achievement of the above objectives:
Hungarian Sign Language Program Office
Department of National Subsidy Management
Education & Service Development Team
National & International Relations Department
DI Office (Supporting the national deinstitutionalization process (DI) by operating the Mentor Network)
Rehabilitation-Value-Change (RÉV) Project Office (System-wide training and service development model program, in order to improve the labor market situation of people with changed workability – “TÁMOP” Social Renewal Operational Program) and National Methodology Center (OMK) (The National Methodology Center provides professional, methodological, IT background and support in the field of employment rehabilitation to the National Labor Market Service and Professional Support Network.)
Eight Points Project Office (The complex innovation of the National Provider Network, Professional Consulting Network and Coordination Center for people with autism – “TÁMOP” Social Renewal Operational Program)
Fogyatékos Személyek Esélyegyenlőségéért Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
L’Association pour l’égalité des chances des personnes en situation de handicap (FSZK) a été créée par l’État hongrois dans le but de promouvoir l’égalité des droits, l’intégration sociale et la réhabilitation des personnes en situation de handicap. Sa mission est de contribuer à créer une société dans laquelle les personnes en situation de handicap peuvent s’intégrer comme des citoyens à part entière.