Externalising behaviours (e.g. deviant, disruptive, oppositional behaviour) are consistently shown to be risk factors for ESL. Civic competence (via participation in extracurricular activities) as well as social competence constitute protective factors. Peers also play a role. Supporting students’ social and emotional adjustment early on is warranted.
Masten, A. S.
Students’ social and civic competencies: Predictors of ESL
Social and emotional learning as a tool for preventing ESL
Social and emotional learning plays an important role in preventing ESL through several mechanisms. When implemented in schools, social and emotional learning prevents ESL directly by promoting school connectedness, commitment and positive attitudes to school, teachers and peers and, indirectly, by enhancing educational success.
Mental health as a risk factor for ESL: diagnostics, prevention, intervention
Mental health problems (e.g. anxiety, depression) are some of the risk factors for ESL and, by focusing on mental health prevention and intervention programmes in the school environment, we can reduce the many negative consequences poor mental health has on both the individual and community levels.
The role of career guidance in ESL
Career guidance (with appropriate methods, contents, early provision, the actors involved) can overcome two important (individual) ESL risk factors – the lack of relevance of schooling and the lack of educational/career aspirations. The systematic development of career management skills helps potential ESLrs perceive their schooling as a meaningful part of their lifelong personal, social and career development.
Support for autonomy, competence and relatedness using school – community collaboration as a systematic ESL prevention tool
The local community (school–community collaboration) can play an important role in preventing ESL by supporting a student’s basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy, competence and relatedness are the building stones of intrinsic motivation that is crucial for students to stay in school.
Preventing ESL by enhancing resiliency
Educational resilience is related to staying in school despite high risks (e.g. low social economic status, migrant status) present in one’s life and, as such, can offer a path for preventing ESL. Enhancing educational resilience is a result of fostering protective factor(s) on either the contextual (family, school, community, e.g. parental education trainings, positive school climate improvements…) or individual level (e.g. mind-set trainings).