Students’ social and civic competencies: Predictors of ESL
Wednesday 11 February 2015, by
Externalising behaviours (e.g. deviant, disruptive, oppositional behaviour) are consistently shown to be risk factors for ESL. Civic competence (via participation in extracurricular activities) as well as social competence constitute protective factors. Peers also play a role. Supporting students’ social and emotional adjustment early on is warranted.
ESL’s possible links with social competence and problem behaviour have received some scientific attention, in the process demonstrating their relevance for dealing with ESL. Yet the topic remains largely overlooked in relevant policy briefs. The role of civic competence relative to ESL has also been neglected. The aim of this article is to review scientific studies linking social behaviour and civic competence to early school leaving and to academic achievement/failure in order to highlight the important need to support students’ social and emotional adjustment as well as their civic participation from the early years on.
With regard to ESL, a review of studies shows that externalising behaviours (e.g. alcohol, drug use and abuse, disruptiveness and oppositional behaviours, delinquency, teenage parenting) are most consistently linked with ESL, while less research has considered internalising behaviour and social competence and even less has examined civic competence. Concerning internalising behaviour, links between ESL and depressive symptoms and mood disorders have been found. Social competence seems to be especially important for the student at risk – it appears to help build up their resilience to ESL. Evidence regarding the link between civic competence and ESL is limited, but its role has been demonstrated via extracurricular activities – participation in extracurricular and community-based activities plays a role. Peers also play a role – ESLers more often associate with deviant peers.
Despite the strong evidentiary base on the relationship with ESL (particularly for externalising behaviour), these aspects are often overlooked when addressing ESL. Thus, in order to prevent ESL it seems warranted to help build students’ social and emotional adjustment and their participation in extracurricular activities from the beginning of school.
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