It is not the same if the purpose of education is a well-educated person able to think, judge and understand the world or, on the other hand, a specific conception of social progress and economic growth. If we have a confused understanding what is the purpose of education we also risk to fail defining our objectives and direct wrongly our endeavour for coping with this problem.

Latest update : 23 July 2015.
In the attempt to carry out a qualitative analysis on the given subject and phenomenon (ESL) TITA scientific base also mention and examine a variety of specific fundamental transformations that are occurring in the educational process and the general understanding of its purpose. Because school systems, where the educational process is taking place, are conceived as a crucial part of social systems, they cannot be questioned and analysed without considering a broader social perspective. For this reason TITA scientific base in this section pay attention to those general social transformations that are without any doubt and exception affecting the ways and modes of understanding what should be the purpose of school and educational process.
Articles in this section
The changing purpose of education: "How is instrumentalization affecting the ESL problem?"*
“Knowledge society” and its conception of knowledge: The production of interchangeable “knowledge workers” and the potential redundancy of educational process*
If the conception and character of knowledge that should be taught is drifting toward “economic survivalism”, then also the approach of school system and educators toward students is prone and subjected to change corresponding to these new demands. The general aspect of this change is that those who are to be educated are not approached by educators as future citizens but as future knowledge workers.
Other selected thoughts about ESL
Why civic education?
According to Arendt’s position in her text “Crisis in Education” (1954) school is not the same as the world and should not pretend that it is: “It is an institution, which is placed between the privacy of home and the world in order to make possible the passage from family to the world”. Education and teaching are interrelated and as such they constitute an activity, through which new generations are introduced to the world as it is, where educators are the first (…)