Preventing ESL by enhancing resiliency
Thursday 23 July 2015, by
Educational resilience is related to staying in school despite high risks (e.g. low social economic status, migrant status) present in one’s life and, as such, can offer a path for preventing ESL. Enhancing educational resilience is a result of fostering protective factor(s) on either the contextual (family, school, community, e.g. parental education trainings, positive school climate improvements…) or individual level (e.g. mind-set trainings).
Resilience entails positive adaptation, e.g. doing well despite high risks or adversities. These adversities are either contextual (e.g. poverty, minority status, immigrant status, parental illness, harsh parenting…) or individual (e.g. illness, self-control impairment, learning difficulties, lack of coping skills…). Two models of resilience can be used for prevention and intervention planning: protective (a protective factor moderates the effect of a risk factor) and compensatory (a protective factor tempers a risk factor). The first one supports indicative prevention and the second universal prevention. Educational resilience is defined in terms of educational success even though there are personal attributes and environmental circumstances which reduce the likelihood of succeeding (Sacker & Schoon, 2007). Since the mentioned adversities are also related to ESL, the resilience concept can contribute significantly to understanding and preventing ESL by providing an answer to why some students stay in school even though high risks for ESL are present in their lives. The difference between individuals who are found to be more resilient than others in the face of adverse circumstances is the number of protective factors: resources (positive contextual factors) and individual assets (positive individual characteristics) found in one’s environment (Masten, 2016). The protective factors can be grouped in four categories: child characteristics, family characteristics, community characteristics, and cultural or societal characteristics. Based on a review of possible protective factors, certain practical implications of enhancing resilience are listed on the contextual level (e.g. family, school and community; such as parental education trainings, positive school climate improvement, bettering student-teacher relations) and individual level (e.g. focusing on mind-set intervention, boosting social and emotional skills, self-regulation techniques). In the conclusion, the importance of enhancing any of the protective factors is stressed – even a single protective factor can make a great difference to the life of a young person and prevent ESL.
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