Teacher’s teaching style affects students’ experience in school. It can provoke pleasant or unpleasant emotions about learning and schoolwork, thus the appropriate teaching style can serve as prevention for ESL.
Lamb, S.
Why is ESL a problem for modern (EU) society ?
Mots clés : UE -
The relationship between the teachers’ teaching styles, students’ engagement in school and ESL
Early school leavers in their later (adult) life and social consequences
Exploring ESLrs in their later life should show the consequences of being an ESLer in sense of employability, income group, educational attainment and adult literacy level etc. With understanding the mechanisms which follow the ESL, schools could actively approach to students at risk on time.
Mots clés : décrochage scolaire -
Developing healthy social and cultural capital and effects on education
Social and cultural capital in some neighbourhoods is low and therefore the incentives for education are weak. Stimulation of social and cultural capital through community learning (such as local actions and intergenerational learning) and support can show positive effects in preventing ESL.
ESL situation in Switzerland
Switzerland does not officially define early school leavers ; however the rate reported by Eurostat is low. National programmes and initiatives do not typically aim at reducing ESL, but they make an important contribution to preventing and tackling ESL. Multi-agency partnerships at local/institutional level are well established.
Mots clés : statistiques du décrochage scolaire -
Teacher-teacher and teacher-student cooperation : link to achievement (evidence from international studies)
The international comparative assessments such as PIRLS, TIMSS, ICCS, PISA and TALIS provide rich sources of data on teaching and learning practices in participating countries. Their data can also help us to identify teaching practices that have the potential of fostering communication, interaction and engagement among students as important factors of early school leaving.