Teacher-teacher and teacher-student cooperation : link to achievement (evidence from international studies)
jeudi 12 novembre 2015
Teachers are seen as the principal factor influencing student learning, since they are at the heart of teaching and learning activities in schools. The international comparative assessments such as the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS) as well as the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) provide a way for individual countries to monitor the achievements of their students and, to some degree, the policies and practices of teaching in the country. In this article the findings from literature review about cooperation among the teachers as well as between teachers and students that can be obtained from the secondary analyses of the data from large scale international assessments are presented. Although measurement of so-called explained variance in secondary analyses of these data most often indicate individual student factors as more significant in predicting achievement than teacher and school factors, research literature does indicate ways in which teacher and school factors are important for student learning and achievement. The review shows that dimensions of classroom teaching practices (namely structuring, student orientation, openness of classroom discussion and enhanced collaborative activities) can be measured cross-nationally and that although at general levels teachers’ practices and self-reported beliefs are similar across countries, going into more detail, significant differences across countries become more apparent. In this article the focus is on the information about practices that can promote collaboration among teachers and students that at the same time have the potential of fostering communication, interaction and engagement among students in classrooms. There is research evidence that collaboration supports students’ development of subject matter understanding and subsequently achievement, however also that there is a need for caution since innovative pedagogical strategies can be applied in superficial ways that emphasize non-subject matter aspects of the activities and sacrifice the complexity of the content.
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