In a mediated society with constantly advancing media technology and content innovation media literacy became something indispensable. To be illiterate in this case means to be incapable to read and understand the implications of media technology and its content, which in many cases results in becoming just responsive customer/consumer. The absence of media literacy is also endangering the learning process and expected academic capacities.
Dernier ajout : 12 novembre 2015.
Articles de cette rubrique
The question of media and media literacy in the ESL problem : “Opening of a perspective”
Managerization of educational process : “Why the ESL problem cannot be addressed in terms of standardization, efficiency and specialist enclosure ?”
When an educational institution accept the premise that pre-planned method, standardized procedure, calculation models, quantitative measurability (quantitative standards of academic achievement) can replace the human capacity of assessments and judgement, we face an imminent contradiction, because dealing with the ESL question and drop out cases require an individual and specific approach in every single case.
The question of authority in education : The willingness to take responsibility for the world as a constitutive part of education
To renounce to authority on the side of teachers makes impossible to actualise the role of education as a connecting path by which new generations can step out of privacy and intimacy of the family and enter into the world of adults as adults and prepare themselves to take up political responsibility and concern for it from previous generations.
“Entrepreneurship in education !” : From where it is spoken from and where it is headed ?
Entrepreneurship is a specific mind set and posture (attitude) toward the world and human affairs, which is not concerned with the world as it is but with its future - with how to change it. Its introduction into education would represent a specific paradox, namely, to teach how to change the world before or even without being told about it, without knowing its past and present.
Behaviorism in education : “Engineering fundamentals of behaviourist psychology and the ESL question”
Behavioristic operant conditioning with its method of “reinforces and punishers” introduced a problematic conviction that the result of hard learning is a certain reward located "outside" what learning and education can bring itself, which is a serious problem regarding the question how to present the meaning (purpose) of education to those who are to be educated.
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