Early school leavers in their later (adult) life and social consequences
jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par
This article through explanation of lives of (young) adults who have left school early shows how important it is to reduce and prevent ESL in youth with a goal to improve their individual’s adult life. Data shows (OECD, 2005 ; 39) that ESLrs more often are jobless or underpaid compared to those who have successfully completed upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education. We can also see that ESLrs are rarely motivated for further education and training or are not enrolled in any education at all (Eurostat, 2014). ESLrs also score lower levels of (adult) literacy (Ivančič & Mirčeva, 2001 ; Mohorčič Špolar & Radovan, 2006) which sometimes provides more challenges for them than they can cope with. In Slovenia (ibid.) was shown as well that ESL was also regionally influenced. The data also showed (ibid.) that individuals are less funded by their employees to get additional education or training if level of their initial education is lower. The experience also shows that “achieving the recognised minimal level of education for today’s world, i.e. successfully completing upper secondary school, appears more difficult for young people from a disadvantaged family background.” (OECD, 2005)
ESLrs, once being adults, have multiple factors determining their everyday reality, and the multiple handicaps of adult ESLrs should reveal true and all-embracing consequences of ESL.
This explains to some extent how far the dimensions, individual and social, of the ESL can reach. ESL is an issue with long-term (social) consequences. With understanding these mechanisms which follow the ESL, schools could actively approach to students at risk on time.
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