Social and emotional learning plays an important role in preventing ESL through several mechanisms. When implemented in schools, social and emotional learning prevents ESL directly by promoting school connectedness, commitment and positive attitudes to school, teachers and peers and, indirectly, by enhancing educational success.

Humphrey, N.
Social and emotional learning as a tool for preventing ESL
Local community support in students’ self-concept development, academic achievement and ESL prevention
Through high-quality, community-based activities open to all students (including high-risk students), the community can play a significant role in building students’ positive academic self-concept and promote overall positive development that can, in turn, lead to lower levels of ESL.
The student’s academic self-concept and its link with ESL
Supporting the development of a positive academic self-concept is an important factor in preventing ESL. In order to support its development, teachers should pay attention to how they provide feedback to their students (i.e. negative feedback should only be directed to the behaviour/achievement/result and never to the person).
11 February 2015, by
23 July 2015, by
23 July 2015, by