Why is ESL a problem for contemporary (EU) society?
Wednesday 11 February 2015, by
EU policy documents stress that ESL holds important long-term economic consequences (economic growth) and macro-social consequences (social cohesion). Research calculating the financial costs of ESL very convincingly supports these arguments, while there are various difficulties in quantifying the social consequences of ESL. According to critical policy approaches, this potentially narrows understanding of the problem of ESL to its economic dimension.
ESL is commonly regarded as an urgent and serious problem for both individuals and EU society as a whole. Taking different classifications into consideration, the article focuses on the medium- and long-term fiscal (economic) and social consequences of ESL. It reviews various economic studies presenting ESL as a huge obstacle to further national and EU economic growth. These studies are chiefly based on a calculation of the estimated costs (including lower tax revenues and/or higher unemployment and welfare payments and/or higher public health expenditures and/or higher police expenditures and/or higher criminal justice expenditure) per individual ESLer lifetime and range from EUR 100,000 to EUR 1 million. Studies presenting aggregate financial gains expected from reducing ESL are also referred to. In addition, the weaknesses of the methodologies used in those studies are identified (e.g. difficulties in scenario-making due to high complexity and the rapidly changing environment; the issue of fully identifying education’s causal impact on various outcomes; the lack of data for estimating both the market-recognised and social costs of ESL), which to some extent question the credibility of their results. Since it is very hard or even impossible to monetise the social effects of ESL, the article exposes this makes them less convincing policy arguments than the economic costs of ESL. Critical policy approaches (wicked problems, governance of problems, problems represented to be) are introduced, showing that policy problems are not neutral but political and social constructs, thereby questioning the dominant (economic) understanding of the ESL problem. Within this framework, the article concludes that investments made in reducing ESL should not be only valued in terms of significant long-term financial savings, but that an essential component of its equally important, albeit in research less convincing, and visible contribution to a socially-cohesive EU society should also be taken into account.
[1] Psacharopoulos (2007) explains there is also a considerable overlap among the (private, social and fiscal) consequences of ESL. For example, a low level of education can limit employment opportunities and the earnings potential of ESLers, thereby leading to lower income tax payments and an increased risk of needing social benefits and participating in different welfare programmes (European Commission, n.d.).
[2] For example, Levin (2009) demonstrated that delivering successful preventive programmes in the area of completing upper secondary education in the USA brings benefits (USD 209,000) that are up to 2.5 times greater than the cost of intervening per graduate (between USD 59,000 and USD 143,600).
[3] Green et al. (2004) report that the macrosocial concept receives much attention in sociological theories but there is a lack of attention to it in educational research.
[4] 1) What’s the ‘problem’ /…/ represented to be in a specific policy or policy proposal? 2) What presuppositions or assumptions underpin this representation of the ‘problem’? 3) How has this representation of the ‘problem’ come about? 4) What is left unproblematic in this problem representation? Where are the silences? Can the ‘problem’ be thought about differently? 5) What effects are produced by this representation of the ‘problem’? 6) How/where has this representation of the ‘problem’ been produced, disseminated and defended? How has it been (or could it be) questioned, disrupted and replaced?
[5] The inferior position of the social dimension of education in general is also evident from selected OECD and EU policy documents. The OECD (2011, p. 58) claims that social inclusion is both a desirable end in itself and a means to achieve development outcomes like growth, and question whether social cohesion, beyond its intrinsic desirability, actually has a use, e.g. an economic pay-off. The European Commission (2006) explains that investing in education and training in order to raise efficiency and quality produces social benefits which, in turn, feed economic growth.
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