Switzerland does not officially define early school leavers ; however the rate reported by Eurostat is low. National programmes and initiatives do not typically aim at reducing ESL, but they make an important contribution to preventing and tackling ESL. Multi-agency partnerships at local/institutional level are well established.

Dernier ajout : 12 novembre 2015.
Articles de cette rubrique
ESL situation in Switzerland
Mots clés : statistiques du décrochage scolaire -
ESL in the EU : differences and common trends
Differences of national educational systems in the EU should be seen as a luckily situation, enabling to find various unique solutions to ESL problem. When these solutions are provided on controlled policy experiments and are thoroughly contextualized, they could become a mainstream practice for reducing ESL at the EU level.
ESL situation in Spain
Spain has the highest ELET rate in EU-28 countries, but has decreased considerably in the last years. Spain is one of very few European countries with comprehensive strategy to reduce ELET. Multi-professional teams are both legal obligation and well-established practice.
Pays : Espagne -
ESL situation in Luxembourg
ESL rate in Luxembourg was among the lowest in Europe in 2013. Education and career guidance is very well developed – either specifically designed to tackle ELET or not. Multi-professional teams are well established.
Pays : Luxembourg -
ESL situation in France
ESL rate in France was below 10 % in 2013 which is Europe 2020 target. In November 2014 comprehensive national strategy to tackle early school-leaving was approved, bringing together many different ESL policies and measures.
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