ESL in the EU : differences and common trends
jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par
ESL is a multi-faceted and complex problem caused by a cumulative process of disengagement (TWG 2013, 4). At least two explanations can be provided, why there are such differences in how EU member states understand and deal with the ESL problem. First is that ESL is a social and evolving phenomenon and consequently there is no single response to it (e.g. Brunello & De Paola, 2013). Second reason is that EU cooperation in the field of education is nonbinding and works on voluntary basis which means that there is no single (formal) policy regarding ESL (e.g. Alexiadou, 2007). Consequently very unique ways of achieving the common goal (reducing the average EU rate of early school leavers to less than 10% by 2020) are developed at the level of member states (taking account their institutional and cultural background etc.). According to policy learning theory (e.g. Radaelli, 2003), these differences should be seen as a luckily situation, which enables sharing of (good) practices and therefore enhance the possibilities of finding common characteristics of different national/regional/local/institutional specific solutions. One of the important approaches in identifying such good practices (and what really works in reducing ESL) are policy experimentations, conducted also within the TITA project. Since the results of the policy experiments need to be thoroughly contextualized in order to become a mainstreamed practice also in other educational systems, the article provides the in depth understanding of the peculiarities, differences and commonalities of the educational systems (including ESL situation) participating in the TITA project (France, Spain and Luxemburg). The article therefore provides an important and solid base for scalability and exploitation of the TITA results to the EU level and to the level of other EU member states.
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