Jurišević, M.


  • The role of career guidance in ESL

    Career guidance (with appropriate methods, contents, early provision, the actors involved) can overcome two important (individual) ESL risk factors – the lack of relevance of schooling and the lack of educational/career aspirations. The systematic development of career management skills helps potential ESLrs perceive their schooling as a meaningful part of their lifelong personal, social and career development.

  • 23 July 2015, by Urška Štremfel
  • Local community support in students’ self-concept development, academic achievement and ESL prevention

    Through high-quality, community-based activities open to all students (including high-risk students), the community can play a significant role in building students’ positive academic self-concept and promote overall positive development that can, in turn, lead to lower levels of ESL.

    Keywords : local community  self-concept 
  • 23 July 2015, by Ana Kozina