Longitudinal studies of students which follow them from their initial participation in the PISA study at age 15 clearly show that the strongest predictor of students’ early school leaving (ESL) is their achievement in the PISA test. This achievement is a significant predictor of ESL, even after controlling for students’ socio-economic status. These data show that strong competencies can help overcome the effects of disadvantages.
Alivernini, F.
Contextualizing ESL factors with PISA results
Support for autonomy, competence and relatedness using school – community collaboration as a systematic ESL prevention tool
The local community (school–community collaboration) can play an important role in preventing ESL by supporting a student’s basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy, competence and relatedness are the building stones of intrinsic motivation that is crucial for students to stay in school.
Non-formal motivational focuses for potential early school leavers
It is possible to foster the learning motivation of potential ESLrs already in mainstream education by applying non-formal and informal educational principles to teaching and learning processes. The teacher has two main pathways for enhancing the motivation of at-risk students: by recognising their informally gained knowledge and by organising non-formal learning environments and learning experiences.
23 July 2015, by
23 July 2015, by
23 July 2015, by