ESL rate in France was below 10 % in 2013 which is Europe 2020 target. In November 2014 comprehensive national strategy to tackle early school-leaving was approved, bringing together many different ESL policies and measures.

Huart, J.
ESL situation in France
Mots clés : référent décrochage statistiques du décrochage scolaire groupe intermétier de prévention du décrochage scolaire Mesures politiquesPays : France -
Early school leavers in their later (adult) life and social consequences
Exploring ESLrs in their later life should show the consequences of being an ESLer in sense of employability, income group, educational attainment and adult literacy level etc. With understanding the mechanisms which follow the ESL, schools could actively approach to students at risk on time.
Mots clés : décrochage scolaire
12 novembre 2015, par
12 novembre 2015, par