Hasselhorn, M.


  • Interplay of factors that contribute to ESL at school level

    Although ESL is impacted by the composition of a school (e.g. mean SES) and its structure (e.g. size), school practices, especially the way curriculum is delivered in practice as well as caring, supportive and respectful teachers (and other school staff) who believe in students’ ability to succeed, seem particularly important for ensuring (potential) ESLers remain in school.

  • 23 July 2015, by Maša Vidmar
  • Learning difficulties and ESL

    Students with learning difficulties are at a greater risk for ESL than their peers since they are disproportionately more likely to experience other risk factors for ESL at the individual, family, school, community and/or system levels. Multiple and individualised approaches should be used by the system and educators to reduce the influence of these factors.

    Keywords : early school leaving 
  • 23 July 2015, by Tina Vršnik Perše