Interplay of factors that contribute to ESL at the system level
Thursday 23 July 2015, by
Aspects of the education system that concern the risk of ESL include the socio-economic segregation of schools, early tracking and grade retention. In that regard, protective aspects are high quality and accessible ECEC and VET. Well-managed transitions between educational levels that reflect a student’s changing needs in order to ensure the provision of a developmentally appropriate and engaging context are called for.
A relatively recent body of research identifies which factors at the system level contribute to or prevent ESL. The better insights into ESL so far gained show that ESL is a complex issue linked not only to the individual, the family and the school, but also to national policies in the educational, social, health and labour sectors. This article aims to review empirical research regarding ESL system factors with a focus on the education system, but also the labour market.
Evidence shows that the socio-economic segregation of schools and early tracking are linked to a greater risk for ESL. Grade retention is another risk factor, although timing (at the primary or secondary level) and opportunities provided during the retention year play a role. The transition from the primary to secondary level is problematic for following aspects: traditional style of academic teaching, lack of relevance of pathways and an excessively rigid curriculum, disconnection from labour market needs, lack of permeability between pathways (academic, technical, vocational). Together with the disruption in social relationships with adults, changes occur in the secondary school context that are developmentally less appropriate for early adolescents and may lead to disengagement and ESL. Thus, the school needs to adapt to a student’s increasing maturity and changing emotional, cognitive and social needs as they move through the education system. Moreover, access to high quality ECEC and divergent, relevant and high quality VET play the role of protective factors. The need for a coherent and well-balanced education system at all educational levels (i.e. all parts of the education system from preschool to tertiary education fit together well and function synergistically) is also warranted. The education system should be diverse, but not fragmented. Attention to the system blockages and discontinuities across different polices and sectors is needed.
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