“Entrepreneurship in education !” : From where it is spoken from and where it is headed ?
jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par
It is inevitable to deal with this question, not only because it became a guiding line and general view in official EU and OECD strategic documents (how to deploy education as a whole to serve “knowledge economy” and in this way regain competitiveness, example ET2020), but also because educational institutions themselves are more and more open to propositions from this direction, like to introduce entrepreneurial skills as a sort of pedagogical method and final learning outcome. Entrepreneurship elements and skills like creativity and innovation are thus on both sides proposed and accepted also in connection to newly defined educational performance results (ET 2020 benchmarks) and how to improve them in different aspects (lifelong learning, low-achievers, early school leavers etc.). To introduce entrepreneurship into education even as a new form of pedagogical method (learning through creativity and innovation) is something completely new regarding vocational and classical education. In the first case mostly because it is not about a certain skilled profession (carpenter, electric engineer), in the second case because its orientation is not concerned with the past and present human achievements or in other words with the world as it is but with the future - with how to change the world, and that is crucial, before or even without being told about it, without knowing its past and present. Entrepreneurship as a principle in education is surpassing both, because it is not a certain vocation but a specific mindset and posture (attitude) toward the world and human affairs, which is not concern with the human capacity of understanding, but with innovation and creativity. To these two elements knowledge is now subdued and every new innovation, which is never happening separately from knowledge that supports it, makes also the previous knowledge obsolete and thus impose to everybody to constantly re-learn and know only those contents that are currently useful and applicable. Using entrepreneurial skills as a direct method to solve or prevent ESL would mean that we are not (re)integrating students into educational process , but into the process of achieving specific work competences.