Gamoran, A.


  • Interplay of factors that contribute to ESL at system level

    Many factors at system level have been recognized to relate to ESL. Very recently, well-balanced educational systems (PPMI, 2014) or consistent educational systems (Fthenakis, 2014) emerged as highly relevant system attribute. According to the authors educational system should be diverse, but not fragmented.

  • 12 novembre 2015, par Maša Vidmar
  • Teacher-teacher and teacher-student cooperation : link to achievement (evidence from international studies)

    The international comparative assessments such as PIRLS, TIMSS, ICCS, PISA and TALIS provide rich sources of data on teaching and learning practices in participating countries. Their data can also help us to identify teaching practices that have the potential of fostering communication, interaction and engagement among students as important factors of early school leaving.

  • 12 novembre 2015