Many factors at individual and family level have been found to increase the risk of ESL. Most prominent factor is low socio-economic status. However, ESLs are a heterogeneous category that contains a variety of subgroups (no single ‘profile’ exists) with very different needs and trajectories which should be taken into account.

Archambault, I.
Interplay of factors that contribute to ESL at individual/family level
Mots clés : décrochage scolaire -
The relationship between the teachers’ teaching styles, students’ engagement in school and ESL
Teacher’s teaching style affects students’ experience in school. It can provoke pleasant or unpleasant emotions about learning and schoolwork, thus the appropriate teaching style can serve as prevention for ESL.
Expanding the prevention of early school leaving to home environment
The article addresses the relationship between parenting styles and ESL. It presents the possibility to expand ESL prevention to home environment by educating the parents about their role in the development of children’s self-efficacy and other factors that help prevent ESL.
Developing healthy social and cultural capital and effects on education
Social and cultural capital in some neighbourhoods is low and therefore the incentives for education are weak. Stimulation of social and cultural capital through community learning (such as local actions and intergenerational learning) and support can show positive effects in preventing ESL.
Support for autonomy, efficacy and relatedness using school – community collaboration as a systematic ESL prevention tool
The paper analyzes the role of local community in ESL – with special focus on school-community collaboration and Self-Determination Theory. Our underlying assumption that is tested in the paper is that positive and ongoing school-community collaboration fosters students’ autonomy, competence and relatedness which consequently prevent ESL.
Learning difficulties and ESL
Student with learning difficulties are often characterized as a risk group of early school leaving. Several students implied that they do not feel engaged and connected to the school since the traditional programs and teachers fail to meet their needs. Special programmes of teacher professional development and didactic approaches should be therefore developed and employed in order to prevent early school leaving of this group of students.
Mots clés : décrochage scolaire