Many factors at individual and family level have been found to increase the risk of ESL. Most prominent factor is low socio-economic status. However, ESLs are a heterogeneous category that contains a variety of subgroups (no single ‘profile’ exists) with very different needs and trajectories which should be taken into account.
Wang, M. C.
Interplay of factors that contribute to ESL at individual/family level
Mots clés : décrochage scolaire -
The importance of teachers’ relational competence in educational processes
Social and emotional learning as a prevention tool in ESL
Preventing ESL through resiliency enhancement
Higher resiliency level is shown to decrease ESL risks. Some measures are presented for teachers to use to boost resiliency in children and youth, such as : such as : building and maintaining the academic skills of at-risk children, positive expectations and active children participation and others.
What can we learn from second chance education programmes for adults to prevent ESL in younger generations ?
Different second-chance programmes attract a different participant profile, but sometimes seem to fail in reaching out to the most problematic ESLrs. Therefore much more effort should be put into keeping youth at risk in schools with special attentiveness to those with highest risk : those weary of school, redoing a year and having personal problems.
11 février 2015, par
11 février 2015, par
11 février 2015, par
12 novembre 2015, par
12 novembre 2015, par