
TITA Trainers meeting

Wednesday 22 March 2017

European Trainers meeting - 2017 March 22nd

Supporting ESL multi professional teams in Europe TITAction: from experimentation to action

The work carried out under the TITA project confirms the need to link research, training and team cooperation. New training approaches and devices can accompany multi-professional teams and help them better understand the live issues that arise in schools in the different countries of the European Union.

March 22, 2017 will be the occasion to:
- Present and precise the links between the co-elaborated resources under the TITA project
- Share the training experiences of the TITAction platform
- To develop, improve and disseminate the training scenarios presented.


09.00-10.00 Introduction
Where are we now? The contribution of each country to the construction of the TITA project
Catherine Perotin, deputy director, Ifé-ENS de Lyon

TITAction’s theoretical foundations and objectives
Theoretical, empirical and practical insight into Team Cooperation from the perspective of team processes
Maša Vidmar, researcher, Educational Research Institute, Slovenia

Theoretical basis and use principles of TITAction during Training Sessions
Marie-Claire Thomas & Hervé Tugaut, TITA project, Ifé-ENS de Lyon


10.00-12.00 Presentation of Training’s scenarios experimented with TITAction
Contents, videos used and first effects, Trainers’ testimonies from Luxembourg, Switzerland, France
Thierry Di Scala, Conseiller Principal d’Education, Lycée de Pertuis, France
Magali de Rocco, formatrice, 4motion, Luxembourg
Jean-Marie Lavanchy, Responsable de la filière Formation MAES, HEP Valais, Suisse


12.00-13.00 Lunch break

13.00-14.30 TITAction Conditions for use in different multi professional team context
Levers and breaks in the use of TITAction platform
Speeches from trainers and practitioners from Switzerland, Luxembourg, France
Yann Vuillet, Responsable du domaine des didactiques de la Formation secondaire, HEP Valais, Suisse
Magali de Rocco, formatrice, 4motion, et Jean-Marie Majerus, Lycée Redange, Luxembourg
Sandra Pitrat et Anne-Marie Benhayoun, France


14.30-16.00 Perspectives of use of the platform TITAction
Tracks of concrete actions

Two simultaneous workshops
- Experimenters countries: Luxembourg, Suisse, France
Which view of dissemination?
- Not experimenters countries: Spain, Hungaria, Slovenia
Which kind of technical and pedagogical adaptation is needed?
22 March Trainers Meeting Dissemination Spain- Hungary-Slovenia Workshop
Discussions, exchanges, comparative look
22nd March Meeting Afternoon

16.00-16.15 Conclusion
Presentation of the emerging proposals