Tita Ens Lyon

Home > Training Tools

Friday 6 October 2017, by , Lathuiliere Florent

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P r e s e n t a t i o n


Dealing with a demotivated student
when all has failed

What kind of information
should be shared?

How to communicate
in order to cooperate ?

Here are the questions professionals ask themselves when working as a team to prevent early school leaving.

To answer them and find the best possible solution for the young, they must combine their visions of the student, their mission, their profession with those of the other members of the collective work. They have to work as a team. This multi professional work is not obvious. Collective/collaborative work requires training.

The TITAction Platform has been designed to this end: to support the collaborative action of education professionals to prevent Early school leaving (ESL)

The ambition of TITAction is therefore not to answer the questions that the professionals ask themselves about the actions to be carried out; the solutions are found mostly within the teams, closer to the ESLer. TITAction is not a catalog of good practices that would guide the implementation of prevention actions.

The ambition of the TITAction device is to provide actors and principally their trainers with keys, spaces for reflection and levers to find solutions within the group.

TITAction is focusing on the workplace itself, on the team and its functioning.

This device brings observations, analysis of what is happening, what is played out in the relationship between the various actors, it also propose a better understanding of why they are acting (or not).This observation and videos are taken from the real work, from the real activity inside groups. This allows to bring the real activity into training sessions. The use of real activity observations during training sessions generates spaces of discussion, professional controversy.

We believe that this questioning of the practices and of the principles of professionals’ action during the training generates an ability to seize the problems of tem collaboration and to imagine alternative solutions.

Origins of the TITAction Platform

Bénédicte Touchard

Ifé/Ens Lyon

Why using video for training?

Simon Flandin

Post-doctoral researcher,
Geneva University


Urska Stremfel

Responsible of the TITA scientific base, Political science researcher
Educational Research Institute (slovenia)

Go to Videos
Access training scenarios

++++V i d e o s


++++ T r a i n i n g

Training ( Under construction )

The TITAction platform offers support to trainers in their work with teams working in collaboration in schools to prevent early school leaving.

In these groups, professionals raise a number of recurring issues that slow down or hinder reflection and action.
In training, they can be discussed using scenarios based on the resources of the TITAction platform.
These training scenarios aim to accompany the transformation processes of the collaborative activity and contribute to the actors’ professional development.

The scenarios proposed allow the actors to question their activity and to transform them.
The use of video in training allows trainees to recognize themselves in the activity of others, to compare their activity by questioning it and thus to project themselves into other activities redeployed, recomposed and enriched..
This involves identifying, discussing, constructing and reconfiguring viable practices in the context of collective work in schools. For these scenarios of video resources to allow these professional transformations, they require a particular ethical posture. These resources are fragments of real activity. This use requires unavoidable ethical precautions, an accompaniment in observation. The analyses must depersonalize the professional activity and avoid judgment to show the most generic aspects of collective activity.

How to use TITACTION in training sessions?

Anne-Marie Benhayoun

Ifé/Ens Lyon