Non-formal motivational focuses for potential early school leavers
jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par
Teachers are often limited in finding means to keep potential ESLrs in schools. Methods of school work can sometimes even be the reason not to keep youths motivation on the highest level, and higher percentage of ESLrs can appear (cf. Beatty et al., 2000).
Regarding students motivation we can observe that students have many interests outside of school, they attend to many extra-curricular activities which tend to be a great source of their motivation to learn ; they are motivated in those areas and often very successful, too. These are the areas where teachers could go into details of motivation mechanisms of their students (explaining to them how they are [sometimes unknowingly] acquiring knowledge in their hobbies and other non-formal settings and showing how this could be similar in their formal education). It is suggested here which connections between school/formal education and youth’s non–formal interests can be used to (re)motivate the youth for school work again. Since the link between students’ motivation and achievement is straightforward (Marzano, 2003) and with the awareness of students being motivated for activities of their choice, adjusting school work to be conducted in informal contexts (like unconventional learning environments, methods, topics, sources of knowledge) can increase students’ motivation for formal education (cf. Brown, 1995 ; Broda, 2007). It is argued here that teachers who recognize use and guide students’ motivation and redirect or channel it to school environment on long term will be successful in keeping more students in education. Secondary data of the studies (Broda, 2007 ; Marzano, 2003 ; Strand, 2014 ; etc.) are used to show these connections. It is suggested that teachers could be trained in the field of basic principles of non–formal and informal learning and in transferring this knowledge to their classrooms.
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