Student’s self-concept and its correlation to ESL

jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par Tina Rutar Leban

Self-concept includes an individual’s perception in a variety of areas (Shavelson, Hubner & Stanton, 1976). It includes a set of characteristics, abilities, attitudes and values for which an individual believes that define him (Zupančič, 2004). Academic self-image or self-concept is the part of the self-concept that includes ones characteristics, abilities, attitudes and values that refer to the ones academic context. The article explores different aspects of the relationship between students’ self-concept and ESL and teacher’s role in the development of the academic self-concept.

A recent study (PPMI, 2014) has identified competence profiles of early school leavers/underachievers. Early school levers tend to have low self-esteem, low academic self-concepts and low perception of self-efficiency. Other studies show the importance of a positive self-concept in order to achieve good results at school (Schunk, 2003) which have been shown to prevent ESL.

The social context of the child is considered to have the greatest influence on the development of its self-image (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara & Pastorelli, 1996 ; Shavelson et al., 1976 ; Swalander 2009). The self-image is built up of the student’s experience and learning history and is particularly influenced by important people close to the child/student (Nalavany & Carawan, 2012 ; Shavelson et al., 1976). Some researchers argue that it is the parents who have the primary influence over the child’s self-concept development (Emler, 2001), while others argue that friends and teachers have a greater impact on the individual student’s self-image development (Glazzard, 2010 ; Humphrey, 2003 ; Troia, Shankland & Wolbers, 2012). In school the teacher is the important adult for students. Students’ academic self-concept is built through the teacher-student relationship, thus the teacher has an important impact on the development of students’ healthy academic self-concept that will support students’ academic development and prevent ESL.


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