Teacher self-reflection

jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par Tina Vršnik Perše

The reflection was considered as the opposition of insistence on automated, established patterns of behaviour (Schön, 1983). Teacher self-reflection is therefore a popular concept in education systems for few years and there were several theoretical backgrounds presented and programs for teacher self-reflection developed, both on-line (such as Aitsl - self assessment tool, EducateAlabama) and more traditional (such as Ontario College of Teachers : A Self-Reflective Professional Learning Tool, Purdue College of Education : Self-reflection Questions for Teachers). They are based on various definitions of reflection in education. One of most frequently used is the Korthagen (2004) core reflection model, called ALACT model (named after the first letters of the five phases) : this model describes the ideal process of learning in and from practice with the aid of five phases : (1) Action, (2) Looking back on the action, (3) Awareness of essential aspects, (4) Creating alternative methods of action, and (5) Trial, which itself is a new action and thus the starting point of a new cycle. Effective teachers may reflect on their work formally or informally ; for example they may review a day’s work mentally, keep a journal, meet regularly with a mentor or with colleagues, or assess a videotaped recording of their teaching (Good & Brophy, 1997). But self-reflection of teachers should not be limited on reflecting their day’s work (such as teaching approach or assessment strategies) but also their social and emotional competences (such as relational competence) and responses. A connection between professional and the personal element is important (Korthagen & Vasalos, 2010), since many authors emphasize that a strong divide between the personal and the professional may lead to an ineffective friction in a professional’s identity (Beijaard et al., 2004) and therefore inadequate conceptions about students and defragmentation of relation competence and inability to motivate students – and therefore inability to prevent ESL. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to analyse the possibilities and correlations of teacher self-reflection with students’ achievements, their wellbeing in school and ESL.


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