ESL situation in France

jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par Maša Vidmar

Pays : France 

The aim of this article is to describe state of affairs as well as recent trends regarding ESL in France. Special focus is on the multi-professional collaboration related to ESL. The purpose is to elucidate the context in which experiments within TITA project will take place, thus guiding interpretation and generalizations of the findings.

According to the most recent Eurostat data France ELET rate in 2013 was 9,7 % (it was 12,2 % in 2009). In 2011, France set the national target for ESL at 9,5% (Europe 2020 target is 10 %). The percentage of early leavers is higher for foreign-born versus native-born (22,9 % versus 10,8 %) and for male versus female (10,7 % versus 8,8 %).

Even though France had not had a comprehensive national strategy to tackle ESL until the end of 2014, many measures have been reinforced in the last years. Main policies and measures involve (1) fighting against absenteeism, (2) supporting the integration of migrants, (3) preventing school drop-out for socially disadvantaged youth, (4) ensuring adequate orientation of students, especially in vocational education, (5) specific structures (MLDS –Missions de lutte contre le décrochage scolaire) that identify youngers in school drop-out and offer them different options, (6) local associations (Missions locales pourl’insertion des jeunes) that provide professional and social integration support to ESL youngers, and (7) ‘Objective : Training-Employment Plan’ that aims at getting back to training youngers who left education without diploma (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice/Eurostat, 2014). Since 2011, a detection system (SIEI, an interdepartmental system of information exchange) makes it possible to identify young school leavers. Data are used by local platforms (Formation Qualification Emploi, FoQualE) to identify ESLers and to offer them a personalized return path to education and training. Furthermore, "early school leaving officers" (décrochage scolair) have been introduced in secondary schools with high truancy and early school leaving rates (they coordinate the prevention action taken by the education staff). In November 2014 national strategy to tackle early school-leaving (Tous mobilisés contre le décrochage – Let us all tackle early school-leaving) was approved, bringing together different ESL policies and measures.

Different policy sectors contributed, but did not necessarily cooperate in the topic of ELET, thus interdepartmental policy approach has recently been adopted. Since 2011, multi-agency partnerships at local/institutional level have been developed. These teams may include school heads, teachers, psychologists, social workers, youth workers, therapists, nurses, speech and language specialists and professional guidance specialists. Multi-agency partnerships also exist within projects. External partners were included into educational alliances to offer more personalized and transversal responses.


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