Relational expertize as ESL prerequizite for effective multi-professional collaboration

jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par Maša Vidmar

Multi-professional teams that operate at school or community level have been recognized as an important tool for tackling ESL. As noted by TWG on ESL (2013, p. 15) one important elements of such inter-professional cooperation is that members ‘require relational expertise, which enables professionals to recognize and work with the expertise of others.’ The aim of this article is to review literature on conceptualization and training of the relational expertize ; to aim is to elucidate what needs to be considered in multi-agency partnerships that will be part of the experiments in the project TITA.

Partners in multi-professional teams to tackle ESL are individuals with wide arrange of professional backgrounds. The question is how to ensure efficient communication among them that will provide support for an individual (potential) ESLer. A. Edwards (2010) sees the answer in what she refers to as ’relational turn in expertize’ and defines it as the capacity for working with others in addressing complex problems. The need for this relational turn in expertize is grounded in the complexity of younger’s trajectory ; one professional acting alone is unlikely to co-configure children’s trajectories away from the risk (e.g. by providing sufficient and adequate support to tackle ESL). The core of the relational expertize is to recognize and respond to standpoint of others professionals, but also to utilize knowledge that underpins one’s practice. Relational expertize also involves process of attuning one own’ responses with responses made by other professionals. Moreover, utilization of relational expertize leads to coordinated response of different practices ; e.g. teacher downplays the curriculum demands in order to accommodate the support of social worker.

Relational expertize can be learnt, e.g. in TLRP (2009, a series of sessions in which professionals were confronted with contradictions in their everyday understandings of practice was used. The aim of the sessions was to address the challenges of multi-agency professional learning and encourage the professionals to change working practice.


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