Contextualizing ESL factors with the PISA results

jeudi 12 novembre 2015, par Mojca Štraus

Mots clés : Détection  Faible niveau  PISA 

Students struggling with school are prone to ESL. Students showing low achievement at the end of compulsory education are especially at risk of ESL. Arguably, the highest risk exists for students showing low achievement in several subject domains at the same time. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data offer internationally comparative indicators on student achievement together with the indicators on background characteristics of students and schools in which they learn. In this paper background characteristics of students not achieving basic levels of competences in any of the three domains, reading, mathematics and scientific literacy in PISA, are investigated. Also, characteristics of their schools are investigated as an attempt towards understanding the interplay of factors contributing to risk of ESL. Several European countries are taken into consideration to obtain cross-cultural comparisons of these factors. Low-achieving students tend to be less motivated for school in general as well as for individual subjects and have lower self-concept in these subjects. Student reports in PISA 2012 showed that lack of punctuality and truancy are negatively associated with student performance and, at the same time, that substantial proportions of 15-year-old students in participating countries reported that they had skipped classes or days of school in the two weeks prior to the PISA test. An important question is to what extent lack of punctuality and truancy reinforce socioeconomic disparities in achievement, especially considering the lowest-achieving students. From differences between schools and between countries one can try to discern the ways to engage students and for schools to maximize opportunities for student learning.


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